Lanark & District u3a
Humour Group
Humour Group
What makes us laugh?
You may well have a good laugh taking part in any of the activities but as you get to know people better and feel more relaxed, laughter will come naturally. However, the Humour Group has the specific aim of enjoying the mediums which provide us with laughter.
Seeing the joke
The format is still evolving. At the moment we watch a dvd selected by members and laugh, discuss and laugh again. We then usually have a funny story to share or some jokes to impart. Coffee or tea and some cakes are always available to make the morning even more enjoyable.
I walked into B&Q the other day and this bloke in an orange and black uniform asked me if I wanted decking. Fortunately, I got the first punch in but others may not be so lucky, so be on your guard!
Laughter medicine
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Group Leader's comments
"So far we have laughed (or not, depending on our senses of humour) at Dorothy Paul, Billy Connolly, Sarah Millican and Francie and Josie. Come and join us and be cheered up. You are sure to leave with a smile on your face!"
From a presentation to the Humour Group by Ken Liddell of L&D u3a.
Essential Information
Group Leader - Loraine Swan
Email -
When - to be advised
Where - Lanark Golf Club Cost - Price of selected Refreshments to Golf Club