Lanark & District u3a
Monthly Meetings
The monthly Open Meeting takes place on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm. Venue: Lanark Memorial Hall
Syllabus for 2024/25
Wed 18th Sept - Open Meeting. Speaker - The Dog's Trust
Wed 16th October - Scams and Scammers
Wed 20th November - T.b.c.
Wed 18th December - Christmas Lunch
Other confirmed dates:
Wed 16th April - Alison Galbraith. Story Telling.
Wed 21st May - A.G.M.
Group Frequency
W = weekly
F = fortnightly
M = monthly
V = varies
Art (F) Tuesday 10.15 - 11.45
Badminton (W) Thursday 10.00 -12.00
Crime Book Club (M) 3rd Tuesday 13.30 - 15.30
Book Buffs (M) 3rd Monday 10.15 - 12.15
Chair Yoga (W) Monday 11.30 -12.30
Coffee and Games (F) Monday 13.30 - 15.30
Film Club (M) Last Friday 19.30
French Conversing (F) Thursday 14.30 - 16.00
Gardening (M) Tuesday 12.00 - 14.00
German Conversing (M) 1st Thursday 15.00
Humour (M) Last Tuesday 10.30 -12.00
Line Dancing (W) Tuesday 16.00-17:00
Line Dancing 2 (W) Wednesday 10.00
Lunch Group (M) Last Wednesday 12.30 to 15.00
Mahjong for Beg (F) Tuesday 14.30 - 16.30
Pickleball (W) Friday 14.00 - 16.00
Pub Lunch & Disc (M) 1st Friday 12.30 -14.00
Qi Gong (W) Friday 10.00
Scottish Dancing (F) Various dates 10.15 - 11.45
Social Cycling (F) 1st & 3rd Tuesday 13.30 (March to October)
Social Strollers (M) Last Friday 10.00
Theatre (M) Day & Times vary
Ukelele (F) 1st & 4th Wednesday 10.00 -12.00
Walking (M) 2nd Friday 10.00
Walking Football (W) Tuesday 13.15
Yoga (W) Monday 13.30
❤️2 sew@u3a (F) Thursday 13.30
Allocated Days for Activities:
Monday morning Book Buffs/Chair Yoga
Monday Aft/Eve Coffee and Games/Yoga
Tuesday morning Humour/Art
Tues Aft/Eve Gardening/Crime Book Club/Line Dancing/
Social Cycling/Mahjong/Walking Football
Wednesday morning Ukelele/Line Dancing 2
Wednesday Aft/Eve Lunch
Thursday morning Badminton/Scottish Dancing
Thursday Aft/Eve French Conv/German Conv/Bridge/❤️2 sew@u3a Friday morning Walking/ Qi Gong/Social Strollers
Friday Aft/Eve Pub Lunch and Discussion/Pickleball/Film Club
No Fixed Day Theatre